WASD Parent Presentation: Tanner Clark (we will be raffling off two $50 Amazon gift cards as well)

Dear Families,

We are excited to invite you to a special event on Wednesday, September 4th at 7:00 PM. Tanner Clark will be speaking, and this evening is dedicated to parents, guardians, and anyone else interested in attending.

The next day, Thursday, September 5th, Tanner will speak to our students. Our goal is to connect with our families and provide them with the same level of support we offer our students. We believe Tanner's message will be invaluable for everyone in our community.

Tanner Clark is known for his insights on student mental health and well-being, addressing pressing concerns such as anxiety, depression, and the impact of social media. His assemblies offer practical strategies for emotional resilience and happiness, focusing on:

  • Understanding emotional control
  • Strengthening self-worth and resilience
  • Navigating social media's impact on mental health
  • Exploring the neuroscience behind social media addiction
  • Recognizing the value of real-life connections and meaningful relationships
  • Harnessing the power of positive language to combat bullying

We would love to see a great turnout for this wonderful event. Your presence is crucial in supporting our students and community. By engaging with Tanner's message, you will gain valuable insights to help your children navigate the challenges they face today.

Please join us on September 4th to hear Tanner's impactful message. Together, we can create a healthier, more supportive environment for our students. To help us plan accordingly, we are asking families to register in advance.  We will be raffling off two $50 Amazon gift cards on this night as well for those in attendance. Click here to register today!   Be there!!!!!

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr. Michael J. Vuckovich

Superintendent of Schools