Free Virtual Tutoring Now Available!

The Windber Area School District is thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with Varsity Tutors, offering 24/7 online tutoring services for students in grades 3-12. This partnership brings an invaluable resource to our students and parents, providing live tutoring support during after-school and evening hours.


Benefits for Students and Parents: This initiative empowers students and parents with the flexibility to interact with live tutors as they navigate assignments outside traditional school hours. Whether it's clarifying concepts, solving problems, or seeking guidance, Varsity Tutors ensures timely assistance to enhance learning experiences.


Complementary Support for Grades 6-12: For students already benefiting from after-school tutoring provided by WASD professional educators in grades 6-12, Varsity Tutors offers an additional layer of support. This comprehensive approach aims to cater to diverse learning needs and foster academic success.


Accessible Platform via Classlink Tab: Accessing Varsity Tutors is convenient for WASD students in grades 3-12. Simply navigate to the Classlink tab on your WASD Chromebook, where you'll find the Varsity Tutors link. From there, students and parents can seamlessly connect with available tutors to address specific questions or seek guidance on homework assignments.


Empowering Academic Excellence: At Windber Area School District, we are committed to empowering students to excel academically. The partnership with Varsity Tutors exemplifies our dedication to providing innovative resources that support student success both inside and outside the classroom.